I work at Albany Visitors Association doing various website projects, on this particular day I had a half filled bag of baby carrots, the plan was to work through lunch so I could leave at 4ish, The carrots were delicious, each one had a taste and an adventure, they were great... I especially like to eat the outsides so that only the core of the carrot remains....mmmm.... so the plan went well, I finished the bag off, 4pm came, Jessi came and off to the evening we went. The beginnings of the pains started right before dinner, my stomach had a dull ache to it, not enough to deter me from eating dinner but, soon the ache became more and more. I was soon on the floor in agony, I hate stomach aches, most of the time I can only think of the movie Aliens and just wait for a little creature to pop out... hence my trouble realizing a pregnant woman has a baby in her and not an alien.... anyways.... I make my way home, where the pain just continues to get worst... In times of sickness I always try to refer to my moms remedies when I was a child, this one was simple.... poop.... I know all I had to do was poop, as some of you may know this strategy has gotten me into a bit of trouble in the past, but despite that I continued. One problem presented itself though, I couldn't poop, the pain in my stomach, couldn't be remedied because I couldn't poop. Time went on and the pain continued, until I threw up, sure enough it was all carrots, I started filling a bit better after that... Then midnight came and the pain was back, still unable to poop, I decided to go with a plan some of my roommates were urging all night.... laxatives.... I had never taken laxatives before and with that I had two fears, the first being that I would lose control and become a pooping geyser or the second being of that of a champagne bottle... the pain won over the fears and I took the laxatives, which were delicious, tasted and looked just like a chocolate bar.... There was no geyser or champagne, I ended up falling asleep, and waking up feeling significantly better and I ended up pooping around noonish.... so nothing too exciting with the laxatives, but I didn't die, but I don't plan on buying baby carrots again any time soon.